After Nightfall

After Nightfall


Beware of friends with secrets…

Imagine your closest friend utterly betraying you. Years later, when she seeks forgiveness, you invite her to your engagement party as a gesture of reconciliation. But seething hostilities rise to the surface, ruining everyone’s evening. After an awful night, your friend’s battered, lifeless body is found at the bottom of a rocky cliff.

Newly engaged Marissa Parlette is living this nightmare. She should be celebrating her upcoming wedding, but she can’t shake the image of her friend lying dead on the beach. Did she fall? Was she pushed? Or did she take a purposeful step into darkness? Desperate for answers, Marissa digs deep into the events of the party. But what she remembers happening after nightfall now carries sinister implications: the ugly sniping, the clandestine meetings, the drunken flirtations. The more she investigates, the more she questions everything she thought she knew about her friends, the man she once trusted, and even herself.

Bestselling author A. J. Banner keeps readers on a razor-sharp edge in this intricately plotted novel of psychological suspense…in which nothing is as it seems.

About Authors

A. J. Banner A. J. Banner

A. J. Banner grew up reading Agatha Christie, Daphne du Maurier, and other masters of love and mystery. She enjoyed sneaking thrillers from her parents' library, which gave her excellent fodder for her novels of psychological suspense, The Good Neighbor, The Twilight Wife, After Nightfall, and her upcoming release, The Poison Garden. The Good Neighbor was a #1 Kindle bestseller for 34 days in a row, and The Twilight Wife became a USA Today and Publishers Weekly bestseller. After Nightfall has been a Kindle bestseller in several categories. Born in India and raised in North America, she always dreamed of writing gripping stories in which nothing is what it seems. She's hard at work on her next novel in her home office overlooking a Pacific Northwest forest.

بعد حلول الظلام

بعد حلول الظلام

عن الكتاب

تخيل أن صديقتك المقربة تخونك. بعد سنوات ، وعندما تطلب المغفرة ، تقوم بدعوتها لحفل خطوبتك كبادرة مصالحة. لكن العداوات الغاضبة تطفو على السطح مرة أخرى وتدمر أمسية الجميع.
بعد ليلة مروعة ، يتم العثور على جثة صديقتك المهملة في قاع منحدر صخري.

عن الكاتب

إيه. جيه. بانر إيه. جيه. بانر

نشأت إيه جيه بانر وهي تقرأ أجاثا كريستي ودافني دو مورييه وغيرهما من أساتذة الحب والغموض. استمتعت بمطالعة هذه الكتب من مكتبة والديها ، والتي أعطتها أفكارًا ممتازًا لرواياتها المشوقة النفسية ، The Good Neighbor ، The Twilight Wife ، After Nightfall ، The Poison Garden. كانت The Good Neighbor من أكثر الكتب مبيعًا في Kindle لمدة 34 يومًا على التوالي ، وأصبحت The Twilight Wife من أكثر الكتب مبيعًا في USA Today and Publishers Weekly. After Nightfall ، ولدت في الهند وترعرعت في أمريكا الشمالية ، لطالما حلمت بكتابة قصص مؤثرة لا شيء فيها على ما يبدو. تعمل بجد على روايتها التالية في مكتبها المنزلي المطل على غابة شمال غرب المحيط الهادئ.