Conversations on Love

Conversations on Love


Journalist Natasha Lunn was almost 30 when she realized that there was no map for understanding love. While she was used to watching friends fall in and out of love, the older she got the more she had to her friends' relationship struggles could no longer be chalked up to youth, and the more she learned about her parents, grandparents, work colleagues, and mentors the clearer it became that age had not brought any of them any closer to understanding this elusive, transformative, consuming emotion. One night during the months she found this realization settling over her, she sat up in bed and jotted three words in a conversations on love. In that moment, Lunn understood that she didn't want advice about love, she wasn't looking for the answers, or evergreen wisdom but she craved candid, wide-ranging, sometimes uncomfortable conversations about the parts of love that often don't make it into our everyday discussions of marriage, sibling relationships, friendships, or mother/daughter bonds. Conversations on Love started as an experiment aimed at interviewing experts about what love meant to them, in all of it's messiness, and quickly blossomed into a newsletter that attracted thousands of subscribers and a prestigious range of interviewees. It turns out that Lunn wasn't the only person ready to talk more openly and expansively about love.

Interweaving personal essays and revealing interviews with some of the most sough-after experts on love, journalist Natasha Lunn guides us through the paradoxical heart of three key questions about love--How do we find love? How do we sustain it? And how do we survive when we lose it?--to deliver a book that is a solace, a beacon, a call to arms, a tool-kit. The real-life love stories in these pages will leave you hopeful and validated, while the insights from experts will transform the way you think about your relationships. Above all, Conversations on Love will remind you what love fragile, sturdy, mundane, beautiful, always worth fighting for.

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محادثات في الحب

محادثات في الحب

عن الكتاب

بعد سنوات من شعورها بأن الحب غاية بعيدة المنال، عزمت الصحفية ناتاشا لن على فهم العلاقات وما يطرأ عليها من تغيُّرات على مرِّ العمر. لجأت إلى كُتَّاب وفنانين وفلاسفة وأشخاص عاديين وأجرت معهم محادثات حميمة وصريحة -وغير مريحة أحيانًا- لمعرفة تجاربهم مع الحب. بدءًا من العلاقات الرومانسية مرورًا بالأبوة والأمومة وروابط الأُخوَّة والصداقة وحتى حُب الذات. وطرحت الأسئلة التالية: كيف نجد الحب؟ كيف نحافظ عليه؟ وكيف يمكننا النجاة إذا فقدناه؟ لتقدِّم كتابًا يكون بمنزلة عزاء ومنارة ودعوة إلى التسلح وأداةً للتغيير.
ستترك قصص الحب الحقيقية في هذا الكتاب بصمة لا تُمحى، بينما ستغيِّر حِكمة أبطاله طريقة تفكيرك في علاقاتك. والأهم أن «محادثات في الحب» سيُذكِّرك بمعنى الحُب: هش ومتين، عادي وجميل، ودائمًا يستحق النضال من أجله.
ستجدون في الكتاب محادثات مع: آلان دو بوتون، وفيليبا بيري، ودولي ألدرتون، وروكسان غاي وغيرهم الكثير.

عن الكاتب