Neglected by her careless parents, Marianne turned to her neighbour, the one person that she thought she could trust….
Eight year old Marianne, the eldest of five children, was neglected by her slovenly mother and her violent alcoholic father. Uncared for and unkempt she was rejected at school by her peers and scarcely tolerated by her teachers. Only one person gave her the affection she craved; a neighbour who seeing the vulnerable child knew she was easy prey for his perverted desires.
‘Little Lady’ he called her over the few months he groomed her. Less than twelve months later she was caught in a trap of fear - if she talked she would be punished. With no one to turn to she kept ‘their secret’. At thirteen she fell pregnant.
Still too frightened to speak out she refused to tell the social workers who the father was. Without family support the teenager gave birth to a daughter in the unmarried mother's home.
Six weeks later the baby she had already grown to love was taken away for adoption. Marianne returned home, but the neighbour's abuse continued and a year later she was pregnant again.
This time her father literally tried to beat the baby out of her but she failed to miscarry. Scared for her life and that of her baby's she ran away from home carrying only a plastic bag stuffed with her few possessions.
Marianne who still missed her first child desperately struggled to keep her second daughter. Two months after the birth she realized that for the baby's sake she would have to hand her over for adoption.
Helpless is Marianne’s heartbreaking story as told the bestselling author of Don’t Tell Mummy
Eight year old Marianne, the eldest of five children, was neglected by her slovenly mother and her violent alcoholic father. Uncared for and unkempt she was rejected at school by her peers and scarcely tolerated by her teachers. Only one person gave her the affection she craved; a neighbour who seeing the vulnerable child knew she was easy prey for his perverted desires.
‘Little Lady’ he called her over the few months he groomed her. Less than twelve months later she was caught in a trap of fear - if she talked she would be punished. With no one to turn to she kept ‘their secret’. At thirteen she fell pregnant.
Still too frightened to speak out she refused to tell the social workers who the father was. Without family support the teenager gave birth to a daughter in the unmarried mother's home.
Six weeks later the baby she had already grown to love was taken away for adoption. Marianne returned home, but the neighbour's abuse continued and a year later she was pregnant again.
This time her father literally tried to beat the baby out of her but she failed to miscarry. Scared for her life and that of her baby's she ran away from home carrying only a plastic bag stuffed with her few possessions.
Marianne who still missed her first child desperately struggled to keep her second daughter. Two months after the birth she realized that for the baby's sake she would have to hand her over for adoption.
Helpless is Marianne’s heartbreaking story as told the bestselling author of Don’t Tell Mummy
عن الكتاب
في عمر الثماني سنواتٍ، كانت ماريان تعاني ويلات الإهمال من أمها وأبيها، الذي كان عنيفًا ومُدمنًا على الكحول. وبسبب حالتها البائسة ومظهرها الرّث، نبذها بقيّة الأطفال الآخرين. لم يكُن هناك سوى شخصٍ واحد فقط يمنحها الحنان الذي كانت تتوق إليه. لقد كان جارها الذي قرأ عليها ملامح الإهمال والضعف، فناداها بسيدته الصغيرة، وقرر استغلالها بأحط الصور. وحين لم يكُن لديها أحدٌ تلجأ إليه، فأبقت "سرّهما" حبيسَ صدرها. في الثالثة عشرة من عمرها، صارت ماريان حاملًا. ومنعها رُعبها من إخبار موظفي الخدمة الاجتماعية عن حقيقة والد طفلتها.
وبعد ستة أسابيع من ولادتها، انتُزِعَت رضيعتها من بين ذراعيها، وتم عرضها للتبنِّي. وبعد أن عادت ماريان إلى بيت أبيها، عاد الجار للاعتداء عليها؛ فحملت مرة أخرى بعدها بعام.
هذه المرة حاول والدها إجهاضها بأعنف الصور المُمكنة، لكنه فشل في هذا. واستطاعت ماريان الهرب أخيرًا من بيت أبيها؛ خشية على حياتها وحياة طفلتها، ولم يكُن في حوزتها حينها سوى كيس بلاستيكي يحمل أغراضها البسيطة.
وبعد ستة أسابيع من ولادتها، انتُزِعَت رضيعتها من بين ذراعيها، وتم عرضها للتبنِّي. وبعد أن عادت ماريان إلى بيت أبيها، عاد الجار للاعتداء عليها؛ فحملت مرة أخرى بعدها بعام.
هذه المرة حاول والدها إجهاضها بأعنف الصور المُمكنة، لكنه فشل في هذا. واستطاعت ماريان الهرب أخيرًا من بيت أبيها؛ خشية على حياتها وحياة طفلتها، ولم يكُن في حوزتها حينها سوى كيس بلاستيكي يحمل أغراضها البسيطة.