Management Mess to Leadership Success: 30 Challenges to Become the Leader You Would Follow

Management Mess to Leadership Success: 30 Challenges to Become the Leader You Would Follow


Your Leadership Skills Are About to Change
Readers of Radical Candor, Dare to Lead and Mastering Leadership will love Scott Miller’s Management Mess to Leadership Success.

Rise from Rock Bottom: Scott Miller knows what it’s like to fail. He was demoted from his first leadership position after only three weeks—and that’s just one of several messy management stories in Management Mess to Leadership Success. Scott’s not alone. Everyone fails. But something sets Scott apart: he knows that failure is not a synonym for unwanted retirement.

From Boss to Leader: Scott knows firsthand what it’s like to go from out-of-touch boss to team-growing leader. In Management Mess to Leadership Success, you’ll find 30 leadership challenges, honed by FranklinCovey through years of research, instructional programs, and executive consultancy, and illustrated with real-life experiences shared by someone who’s lived these challenges.

Be a Strategic Maverick: Leaders aren’t hired to maintain the status quo. The whole point of leadership is to create positive (often radical) change. Sometimes, that means watching someone you’ve coached succeed—and maybe even surpass you. Sometimes, it means saying “no” more often than saying “yes.” But always, it means improving yourself and your team in new and unconventional ways. Dare to do the unexpected—dare to lead.

Management Mess to Leadership Success combines the wisdom, expertise, and practical advice of successful leaders with proven methods to make effective changes to your leadership strategies. Learn how to:

Lead difficult conversations and celebrate success Inspire trust, actively listen, and challenge paradigms Put the right people in the right jobs Create a clear and actionable vision for your team Accomplish your organization’s Wildly Important Goals Get the right results—in the right way
Don’t miss out on this upcoming classic from FranklinCovey, the company behind The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

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فوضى الإدارة

فوضى الإدارة

عن الكتاب

مهاراتك القيادية على وشك أن تتغير، يعرف سكوت ميلر الفشل جيدًا، تم إعفاؤه من أول موقع قيادي له بعد ثلاثة أسابيع فقط من تولّيه له - وهذا واحدٌ من المواقف العديدة التي اختبر فيها فوضى الإدارة في رحلته القيادية التي تدوم منذ عقدين، وسكوت ليس وحده، جميعُنا مُعرَّضُون للفشل، لكن هناك ما يميز سكوت: الشفافية التي يتحلى بها، وإرادته فــي مشاركة قصتـه بصدق، وبالطريقة التي يفهمها الجميع.

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