The Fox Wife
Some people think foxes are similar to ghosts because we go around collecting qi, or life force, but nothing could be further than the truth. We are living creatures, just like you, only usually better looking . . .
Manchuria, 1908.
A young woman is found frozen in the snow. Her death is clouded by rumors of foxes involved, which are believed to lure people by transforming themselves into beautiful women and men. Bao, a detective with a reputation for sniffing out the truth, is hired to uncover the dead woman’s identity. Since childhood, Bao has been intrigued by the fox gods, yet they’ve remained tantalizingly out of reach. Until, perhaps, now.
Meanwhile, a family that owns a famous Chinese medicine shop can cure ailments, but not the curse that afflicts them―their eldest sons die before their twenty-fourth birthdays. Now the only grandson of the family is twenty-three. When a mysterious woman enters their household, their luck seems to change. Or does it? Is their new servant a simple young woman from the north or a fox spirit bent on her own revenge?
New York Times bestselling author Yangsze Choo brilliantly explores a world of mortals and spirits, humans and beasts, and their dazzling intersection. The Fox Wife is a stunning novel about a winter full of mysterious deaths, a mother seeking revenge, and old folktales that may very well be true.
Manchuria, 1908.
A young woman is found frozen in the snow. Her death is clouded by rumors of foxes involved, which are believed to lure people by transforming themselves into beautiful women and men. Bao, a detective with a reputation for sniffing out the truth, is hired to uncover the dead woman’s identity. Since childhood, Bao has been intrigued by the fox gods, yet they’ve remained tantalizingly out of reach. Until, perhaps, now.
Meanwhile, a family that owns a famous Chinese medicine shop can cure ailments, but not the curse that afflicts them―their eldest sons die before their twenty-fourth birthdays. Now the only grandson of the family is twenty-three. When a mysterious woman enters their household, their luck seems to change. Or does it? Is their new servant a simple young woman from the north or a fox spirit bent on her own revenge?
New York Times bestselling author Yangsze Choo brilliantly explores a world of mortals and spirits, humans and beasts, and their dazzling intersection. The Fox Wife is a stunning novel about a winter full of mysterious deaths, a mother seeking revenge, and old folktales that may very well be true.

الزوجة الثعلب
عن الكتاب
الزوجة الثعلب بقلم يانغشي تشو ... "في رواية «الزوجة الثعلب»، تنسج يانغشي تشو حكاية آسرة تجمع بين الأسطورة والتاريخ في إطار مشوِّق وغامض. تدور القصة في منشوريا عام 1908، حيث تبرز شخصية امرأة غامضة، تمتلك القدرة على التحول إلى ثعلب، وتسعى للانتقام ممن دمَّر حياتها وقتل طفلتها. تقودها هذه الرحلة الملأى بالأسرار عبر مناطق شاسعة، لتواجه ماضيًا مليئًا بالخيانة والفقدان. في الجهة الأخرى، يظهر المحقق باو، الرجل المسن الذي يملك قدرة فريدة على كشف الأكاذيب، ويجد نفسه غارقًا في قضية غامضة عندما يُعثر على جثة امرأة شابة في ظروف مريبة. لكن مع اقتراب الأساطير القديمة المدفونة عن الثعالب المتحولة من سطح الواقع، يتساءل باو إن كان يواجه أرواحًا أسطورية أم حِيلًا بشرية. تمزج الرواية بين الواقعية السحرية والأجواء التاريخية، مقدِّمة قصة غنية بالتفاصيل عن الانتقام والبحث عن العدالة في عالم سريع التَّقلُّب. وبين تصاعد الأحداث والعلاقات الإنسانية المعقدة، تصحبك «الزوجة الثعلب» في رحلة لا تُنسى، حيث تتداخل الأسطورة بالواقع في مشاهد آسرة.