What Have You Done?

What Have You Done?


The new binge-worthy novel from the “queen of the one-sit read,” and New York Times bestselling author of The Couple Next Door

Nothing ever happens in sleepy little Fairhill, Vermont. But this morning that will change. And one innocent question could be deadly. What have you done?

The teenagers get their kicks telling ghost stories in the old graveyard. The parents trust their kids will arrive home safe from school. Everyone knows everyone. Curtains rarely twitch. Front doors are left unlocked.

But Diana Brewer isn’t lying safely in her bed where she belongs. Instead she lies in a hayfield, circled by vultures, discovered by a local farmer.

How quickly a girl becomes a ghost. How quickly a town of friendly, familiar faces becomes a town of suspects, a place of fear and paranoia.

Someone in Fairhill did this. Everyone wants answers.

About Authors

Shari Lapena Shari Lapena

Shari Lapina, a Canadian novelist born in 1960, worked as a lawyer and teacher of English before starting her literary career, and she wrote two award-winning novels, before writing her high-selling novel in Canada and around the world, and supplemented it with four novels, most recently released in 2020. Two Awards Nominations: Sunburst and Stephen Leacock.

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عن الكتاب


عن الكاتب

شاري لابينا شاري لابينا

عملت شاري لابينا، الروائية الكنديّة من مواليد عام ١٩٦٠، مُحاميةً ومدرّسةً للغة للإنكليزية قبل أن تبدأ مسيرتها الأدبية، وقد كتبت روايتين حائزتين على جوائز، قبل أن تكتب روايتها التي حققت مبيعات عالية في كندا وحول العالم، وألحقتها بأربعِ روايات صدرَت آخرها عام ٢٠٢٠. تم ترشيحها إلى جائزتيّ: سانبرست وستيفن ليكوك.