Who's Got Your Back?

Who's Got Your Back?


Disregard the myth of the lone professional “superman” and the rest of our culture’s go-it alone mentality. The real path to success in your work and in your life is through creating an inner circle of “lifeline relationships” – deep, close relationships with a few key trusted individuals who will offer the encouragement, feedback, and generous mutual support every one of us needs to reach our full potential. Whether your dream is to lead a company, be a top producer in your field, overcome the self-destructive habits that hold you back, lose weight or make a difference in the larger world, Who’s Got Your Back will give you the roadmap you’ve been looking for to achieve the success you deserve.

Keith Ferrazzi, the internationally renowned thought leader, consultant, and bestselling author of Never Eat Alone, shows us that becoming a winner in any field of endeavor requires a trusted team of advisors who can offer guidance and help to hold us accountable to achieving our goals. It is the reason PH.D candidates have advisor teams, top executives have boards, world class athletes have fitness coaches, and presidents have cabinets.

In this step-by-step guide to the powerful principles behind personal growth and change, you’ll learn how to:

· Master the mindsets that will help you to build deeper, more trusting “ lifeline relationships”

· Overcome the career-crippling habits that hold you back, once and for all

· Get further, faster by setting goals in a dramatically more powerful way

· Use “sparring” as a productive tool to make the decisions that will fuel personal success

· Replace the yes men in your life with those who get it and care – and will hold you accountable to achieving your goals

· Lower your guard and let others help!

None of us can do it alone. We need the perspective and advice of a trusted team. And in Who’s Got Your Back, Keith Ferrazzi shows us how to put our own “dream team” together.

About Authors

keith ferrazzi keith ferrazzi

Keith Ferrazzi is one of the rare individuals who discovered the essential formula for making his way to the top -- a powerful and balanced combination of marketing acumen and networking savvy. Both Forbes and Inc. magazines have designated him one of the world's most "connected" individuals. As Founder and CEO of Ferrazzi Greenlight, he provides market leaders with advanced strategic consulting and training services to increase company sales and enhance personal careers. Ferrazzi Greenlight strategically leverages the insight of its executives, whose careers span the highest echelons of corporate America, along with principles from Ferrazzi's best-selling book, Never Eat Alone. Widely recognized as a thought-leader among his peers, Ferrazzi is a frequent contributor to CNN and CNBC. He has authored numerous articles for leading business and consumer publications, including Forbes, Inc, the Wall Street Journal, the Harvard Business Review, and Reader’s Digest. An early leader in the quality movement, Ferrazzi was the youngest examiner of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. He has been named a "Global Leader of Tomorrow" by the World Economic Forum, one of the top "40 Under 40" business leaders by Crain's Business, one of the most distinguished young Californians by the Jaycees, and one of the most creative Americans in Richard Wurman's "Who's Really Who". Ferrazzi's extraordinary rise to prominence, which includes a stint as the youngest Chief Marketing Officer in the Fortune 500, has even inspired a Stanford Business School case study. As CEO of Ferrazzi Greenlight, he draws upon a rich professional history to help guide organizations and business leaders worldwide. Ferrazzi was previously Chief Marketing Officer at Starwood Hotels, he oversaw marketing activities for global brands including Sheraton, Westin, The Luxury Collection, St. Regis, and W Hotels. Ferrazzi also served as Chief Marketing Officer for Deloitte Consulting, a leading global management consulting firm, where he developed and managed the industry's first globally integrated marketing organization. His creative marketing strategy drove the ascent of Deloitte's "Consulting" brand recognition from the lowest in the industry to a primary position and spurred the highest featured growth rate in the industry. Ferrazzi actively supports numerous civic, charitable and educational organizations. He serves on the Yale University Board of Alumni Governors and the Board of Trustees of the Kiski School in Pennsylvania and is also a Fellow of the Berkeley College at Yale. Additionally, Ferrazzi founded Big Task Weekend, an executive roundtable that brings together some of the nation’s top leaders to focus on improving the health and wellness of Americans. Ferrazzi’s interests also include studying the relationship between leadership success and spirituality. He received a bachelor’s degree from Yale University and his MBA from Harvard Business School.

من يحمي ظهرك؟

من يحمي ظهرك؟

عن الكتاب

"ستجد خلف كل قائد لامع وكل قصة نجاح باهرة؛ دائرةً لا غنى عنها من الأشخاص الجديرين بالثقة، والمستشارين، والمرشدين، والزملاء الداعمين".
"إن كان لدي هذا الكتاب منذ بداية حياتي المهنية؛ كنت سأوفِّر على نفسي 30 سنةً من التجربة والخطأ.
إن كنتَ جادًّا بشأن نجاحك؛ أنا أرجِّح بشدة أن تقرأ هذا الكتاب وتبدأ في بناء دائرة الدعم الخاصة بك اليوم".
- مارشال جولد سميث (مؤلف كتاب Who Got You Here Won’t Get You There الأكثر مبيعًا).
"كيث فيرازي أكثر مَن يرى العلاقات كتكنولوجيا لتحقيق النجاح. الكتاب سيأسرك من أول صفحة، وينهال عليك بالأفكار ووجهات النظر والإرشادات التي تساوي أكثر كثيرًا من ثمن الكتاب.
- سيث جودين (مؤلف كتاب Tribes).
"فيرازي يشير إلى وجود ثورة قادمة في عالم الأعمال، نحن ننتقل من مرحلة الانعزال المهني في "صوامع" الشركات إلى عالم جديد من المشاركة والتعاون المتبادل. هذا الكتاب سيكون خريطتك في هذا العالم الجديد.
- ديفين وينج (رئيس شركة تومسون رويترز ماركيتس).
"كيث فيرازي فتح أعيننا على واقع جديد، وهو أن العلاقات الإنسانية هي مفتاح النجاح المهني. كتاب "مَن يحمي ظهرك" سيُعلِّم الجميع -بدايةً من الباحثين عن وظيفة إلى رؤساء الشركات- كيف يمكن بناء نوع العلاقات التي تصنع الفارق حقًّا في الحياة المهنية".
- جاك كانفيلد (مؤلف أمريكي).
"استعد لقراءة كتابٍ سيقوي كل علاقة من علاقاتك. إن لم تقرأ هذا الكتاب بعد؛ فأنت في موقف تنافسي ضعيف دون أدنى شك"
- توم راث (مؤلف كتاب StrengthsFinder 2.0 الأكثر مبيعًا).

عن الكاتب

كيث فيرازي كيث فيرازي

ولد كيث فيرازي عام 1966م، وبالرغم من نشأته في بلدة صغيرة وأسرة كادحة؛ تمكّن من الوصول إلى ‏أعلى مستويات النجاح العلمي والمِهني، فحصل على بكالوريوس من جامعة ييل وماجستير في إدارة ‏الأعمال من جامعة هارفارد. وصل إلى مناصب إدارية رفيعة بعدة شركات دولية كبرى، آخِرها شركة ‏Ferrazzi Greenlight‏ التي أسسها ويعمل الآن رئيسها. خلال مسيرته ذُكر في قائمة "أربعين تحت ‏الأربعين" لرواد الأعمال، وأصبح أصغر رئيس تسويق ينضم لقائمة شرف ‏Fortune 500‎‏. كما ‏تستضيفه قنوات كبرى -مثل سي إن إن، وسي إن بي سي- لتحليل مجال الأعمال، كما نَشر عدّة ‏مقالات في أشهر الصحف، مثل الفوربس، وول ستريت جورنال، بيزنيس ريفيو.‏